Ruby Basics

Note: Do not forget to include the Ruby Shebang "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" on top of each of the Ruby files for it to run successfully. I do not have the Shebang in the code sections as this will be repetitive and it also cause a display error in the Markdown code of this blog.

“Hello World” Ruby:

The initial “Hello World” code to test if all environment and setup is done successfully.

puts "Hello, World!"

“Argumentative” Ruby:

A code that tests user inputs though CLI. In this case, the user can input multiple values delimited by a space.

for i in 0 ... ARGV.length
   print "#{ARGV[i]} "

“Here_Kitty” Ruby:

A code that tests user FILE inputs though CLI. In this case, the user can input multiple FILES delimited by a space.

for arg in ARGV
   file =

   file_data =

   puts file_data